Clinical Testing Guidance for Tuberculosis: Health Care Personnel
TB screening and testing of health care personnel is part of a TB Infection Control Plan.
For Professionals
Baseline Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel
TB screening for health care personnel includes a risk assessment, symptom evaluation, and TB test.
Frequency of Tuberculosis Screening and Testing for Health Care Personnel
All U.S. health care personnel should be screened for TB upon hire (i.e., preplacement).
Tuberculosis Infection Control
Health care settings should have a tuberculosis infection control plan.
Health Care Personnel Baseline Individual Tuberculosis Risk Assessment
All U.S. health care personnel should have a baseline tuberculosis (TB) individual risk assessment.
Tuberculosis Risk Assessment for Health Care Facilities
This worksheet may be used to perform TB risk assessments for health care facilities.
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis .
U.S. state and local health departments are responsible for preventing and controlling tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation
TB Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation support TB activities.
Health Care Provider Communication and Education Resources
CDC has a range of tuberculosis (TB) education resources for health care providers.