Tribal Advisory Committees

Key points

  • OTASA is involved with two types of tribal advisory committees: CDC/ATSDR Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) and the HHS Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC).
  • CDC/ATSDR TAC provides input and guidance on policies, guidelines, and programmatic issues affecting the health of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) tribes.
  • HHS STAC serves an important advisory role for HHS Operating Divisions, providing input and guidance on policies, guidelines, and programmatic issues affecting the health of AI/AN people by tribal elected officials.
various dream catchers


CDC/ATSDR strongly supports and respects tribal sovereignty and self-governance for tribal nations in the United States. The CDC/ATSDR TAC advises CDC/ATSDR on policy issues and broad strategies that may significantly affect AI/AN communities.


  • Exchange information with CDC/ATSDR staff about public health issues in Indian country, identify urgent public health needs, and discuss collaborative approaches
  • Provide guidance regarding government-to-government consultation between CDC/ATSDR and AI/AN tribes
  • Ensure that CDC/ATSDR activities or policies that impact AI/AN tribes are brought to the attention of tribal leaders

CDC/ATSDR TAC Member Responsibilities

  • Make a good-faith effort to attend all meetings and provide input, guidance, and recommendations to CDC/ATSDR
  • Submit area reports to CDC/ATSDR, including information from area AI/AN tribes
  • Disseminate information to local area AI/AN tribes

CDC/ATSDR TAC Positions and Vacancies

The CDC/ATSDR TAC consists of 17 voluntary members: 1 delegate (and 1 alternate) from a federally recognized tribe geographically located in each of the 12 Indian Health Service Areas, and 1 delegate (and 1 alternate) from 5 National At-Large Tribal Member (NALM) positions.

In addition to the 17 members, CDC/ATSDR has 2 staff member positions:

Designated Federal Official

Leslie Ann Dauphin, PhD

Director, National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce, CDC

Executive Secretary

Captain (CAPT) Damion Killsback, PharmD, MPH

Director, Office of Tribal Affairs and Strategic Alliances National Center for State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Infrastructure and Workforce, CDC

The TAC is currently recruiting to fill a delegate vacancy in the California area, and 7 vacant alternate positions for various areas. You can review the current TAC Roster for additional updates. For any questions or more information on vacancies and positions, email

About Health and Human Services Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee

About Health and Human Services Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee

CDC participates in HHS national and regional tribal consultation sessions throughout the year, as well as various intradepartmental committees with HHS. The Secretary's Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC) has a primary purpose to seek consensus, exchange views, share information, provide advice and/or recommendations; or facilitate any other interaction related to intergovernmental responsibilities or administration of HHS programs.

CDC also participates in HHS' Intradepartmental Council on Native American Affairs (ICNAA).

Land acknowledgement

The CDC/ATSDR TAC acknowledges the Muscogee (Creek) and Cherokee Nations whose Indigenous lands house the CDC and ATSDR Atlanta campuses.