CDC works to prevent violence by understanding the factors that influence violence.
The public health approach is a four-step process that can be applied to prevent violence.
Learn about CDC's funded research, programs, and opportunities geared toward preventing violence.
Violence Topics
This page defines adverse childhood experiences, presents the latest data, and describes outcomes.
- Explore definitions, the latest data, and outcomes of child abuse and neglect.
- This page defines community violence, the scope of the problem, and what CDC is doing to prevent it.
- This pages defines firearm injuries and explains what CDC does to help prevent them.
- This page defines intimate partner violence, presents the latest data and describes outcomes.
- This page defines sexual violence, presents the latest data, and describes associated outcomes.
- This page defines youth violence, presents the latest data, and describes associated outcomes.
- Explore elder abuse definitions, the latest data, and prevention strategies.
- This page describes the Violence Against Children and Youth surveys and provides the latest data.
- Learn more about this survey that collects the most current data on these types of violence.
- Learn more about the collection of violent death data including homicides and suicides.
Featured Resources
The Cardiff Violence Prevention Model is a toolkit for communities to track violence patterns.
- A free online resource for parents and caregivers of 11 to 17-year-olds.
- Parenting is hard work! And it is fun and rewarding. There are many things you can do to help build...