The NIOSH Docket


The NIOSH Docket is a repository of NIOSH policy products (documents, policy responses, testimony, and other types of NIOSH policy statements) and related materials. The docket includes:

  • Federal Register notices
  • Comments submitted in response to NIOSH requests for information
  • Transcripts of public meetings
  • External peer review comments
  • Reports, studies, and other reference material submitted in response to the development of NIOSH policy products.
  • Regulatory dockets are denoted with an asterisk (*) or select the link below underneath ‘More Dockets’


Copyrighted material is not available online but can be viewed and copied in the Docket Office. Please contact the Docket office to access the material.

Generally, an individual is on notice that any information submitted to the NIOSH Docket is considered public information.

Contact Docket Office

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Docket Office
1090 Tusculum Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45226
Telephone: (513) 533-8611
Fax: (513) 533-8285

Docket Search

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NIOSH Dockets Currently Open

Numbered Dockets